Multiple-item products and parts of series - mandatory if available |
Definition |
If the product is part of a series, the series title is indicated in this element, including the volume number if applicable. The same applies to parts of a multi-part product. |
General notes |
--- | ||
MARC 21 |
ONIX 3.0.8 Reference Names |
ONIX 3.0.8 Short Tags |
Format |
490 $a $v
<Collection> <CollectionType> with value "10" from code list 148
<TitleDetail> <TitleType> with value "01" from code list 15
<TitleElement> <TitleElementLevel> with value "02" from code list 149 for the collection level <TitleText> <TitleElement> <TitleElementLevel> with value "01" from code list 149 for the part level <PartNumber> |
<collection> <x329> with value "10" from code list 148 <titledetail> <titleelement> <titleelement>
Format notes |
--- |
--- | |
Examples |